Up-to-date blog. (Ranting ahead!)

Well, it has certainly been a long time since I blogged last.  It’s terrible that I haven’t kept up with this, and it makes me sad.  However, a lot has happened to keep me away from this blog, and none of it is good.  Well, maybe some of it might be, I don’t remember.

First things first, I am without a computer.  Well, not totally without, as the one downstairs–my sister’s–works just fine.  My own computer, a machine that has served me rather faithfully for nearly six years, died unexpectedly at the beginning of the month.

It’s been rough, especially since I had someone buy, and am still paying for, a new monitor.  But, that’s how it goes, I guess.  I should have seen it coming as I noticed, about a month before it died, that the CD ROM drive didn’t function any more.  It must have been a sign of what was to come.

Before it died, though, I did something very important!  I applied for classes at the local community college.  I wanted to do something to better myself, and thought Damn it!  Why not? All the financial aid paperwork has been filled out, and come back (with good award grants, I might add).  Now it’s just a matter of waiting for an official acceptance from the school.

I am still unemployed, though, and am quickly running out of funds.  I need to find work, and am hoping that the extra thirteen weeks of extended benefits that is being looked at comes through.  At least it would be something to carry me through the holidays, and into the Spring semester, when I should be starting classes.

To keep my mind occupied, though, I am easger awaiting the beginning of November.  I amgoing to do National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo, for short), again!  My story has already formed itself in my mind, so I cannot wait to start writing.  I might even do a daily/weekly blog about my experience.

All-in-all, that has been my life for the past couple months.  Mostly full of downs, but, there are some good things to hope for, in the near future.  I guess I’ll just have to play the waiting game.  To quote Homer Simpson, “The waiting game sucks.  Let’s play Hungry Hungry Hippos.

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